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Writer's Prompts | When Reality Met Fiction: The Meet Cute

Effigy Press Admin

And now we’ve got a fresh challenge for all you writers out there: the ultimate meet-cute. But not just any meet-cute—no, no, we’re talking about the meet-cute that will knock your socks off. The challenge, as usual, is to keep it under 600 words.

Here’s the deal:

Version 1. A girl walks into a bar. She meets a guy. Nothing to see here, folks. Boring, right? That’s reality in a nutshell.

But wait...

Version 2: now go back and insert the “meet-cute” into that mundane scene. Want her to meet the guy? Fine, but don't make her just “walk into a bar.” That’s lazy. Have her sit next to the guy. He says, “Can I buy you a drink?” Snooze fest. We’ve all heard it before, and honestly, no one cares. Reality? Maybe. But boring. Add some chili pepper—give us something that makes us sit up and go, “Wait, what just happened?”

That's the assignment: Write the most obvious, most typical version of that scene—then, go back and punch it up until your readers are genuinely surprised. Make it unexpected. Make it so funny or absurd that even Tim and LeeAnna might raise an eyebrow on the podcast. And hey, bonus points if you can turn it into a meet-ugly that eventually morphs into a meet-cute.

Pop your creation into our submissions page, and who knows? Maybe we'll feature it on the podcast. Get writing, and make us laugh (or sigh, or shout out) —just keep it under 600 words!

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