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Reviewer, Podcaster | Tim Sharman
Dragons, Magic wands? Hard pass. Give me real people screwing up instead.
When it comes to my YA writing, you won’t find any cloaked wizards or fire-breathing dragons gallivanting across mystical lands. My stories? They’re all about the tangled mess that is the human brain. The Theory of My Wonders and Ignorance, Risk, Hope dive deep into the inner workings of real people doing their best—or making an utter mess of things—in brutally tough situations. No spells to save the day here, just gritty reality. (Except for Bad Napkin, a fever-dream foray into rom-com high-school humor).
So, what do I want from your submission? I want a voice that grabs me by the collar and won’t shut up until it’s had its say. No clichés, no sugar-coating. Be raw. Be fearless. Say exactly what you mean, even if it stings a little. And please, spare me any meandering dialogue that goes nowhere or paragraphs of exposition that could double as sedatives. Every word should have a pulse, every line a purpose.
Bottom line: I’m here to read work that will shake up the sleepy landscape of mainstream YA. Challenge me, break the mold, and leave the dragons at home (unless the dragons are totally mad and brilliant!)
Author (as T.S.W. Sharman) of:
The Theory of My Wonders
Ignorance, Risk, Hope (collected short stories)
Bad Napkin (Kirkus Starred Review, Authonomy Gold Medal winner)
Bad Behavioral Science (unpublished)
Former contributor to the former Pankhearst Press: Heathers and Mermaids

Reviewer | Richard Bradburn
Richard Bradburn is a writer (his comprehensive guide to self-editing, Self-Editing for Self-Publishers, launched in April 2020), journalist (frequent contributor to the Irish Times, as well as local press) and independent professional editor.
He specialises in developmental editing of novels, with a particular love of YA, historical fiction, thrillers, romance and literary fiction.
His global editorial client list includes self-published and traditionally published authors. He also copyedits, proofreads, formats for Kindle, coaches, beta-reads, ghostwrites and makes a fantastic lemon meringue pie.
He’s a Professional Member of the CIEP, Partner member of ALLi, an affiliate editor of writing.ie, and Approved Supplier to Publaunch, as well as helping moderate the popular writing and editing groups Fiction Writers and Editors and Ask A Book Editor on Facebook. He can be found at editorial.ie.
When he’s not editing, he’s trying to finish his second album of contemporary classical piano music released under the Chiaroscuro project name (the first album, Interlude, is available on iTunes, Amazon and all good record stores).
Podcaster | LeeAnna McGinn
LeeAnna has spent a lifetime riding the rollercoaster of creativity, politics, and religion—with all the grace of a caffeinated acrobat. From moments of triumphant brilliance to trainwrecks of truly operatic proportions, her journey has been anything but dull. Whether navigating heated political debates, reading creative masterpieces, or diving into deep existential rabbit holes, she’s proven that life’s messiest moments often make for the best stories.
Just don't ask her to pick a favorite between chaos and clarity—she’ll likely say, "Why not both?"

Staff Writer | The Snark
The Snark is a ferociously intelligent and feebly underpaid editor/writer, clearly destined for publishing anonymity. Nobody knows how she was hired into Effigy Press, or even knows whether she'll show up for work. One day we think she may leave for Berlin (or maybe Blackpool) and never return... but she won't because Effigy Press would fall apart without her and she'd be consumed by guilt.
Reviewer | Could this be you?
Our team is looking for additional reviewers and staff bloggers to add to our team. If this is something you're interested in, please reach out to us with your background and experience. Send an email to info@effigypress.com and we will be in touch!