Join Tim and LeeAnna for Alchemy. Today, our podcasters talk about how to make characters that are both compelling and objectively good folks. Writers, get ready to think outside the box. Non-writers, stay tuned anyway—for a battle between good and evil.
Of course, as with all our podcasts, we’ve spared you the joy of ads for those ‘sure-fire ways to make money’ that are definitely not at all suspect and totally legit. You’re welcome—because we care about your financial future (and your ability to sleep without looking over your shoulder). And if one of those ads sneaks in, I swear we didn’t approve it. Just blame it on the algorithm’s questionable side hustle..
Intro music: brighter days by Oliver Massa - License code: S4QNBRVN0S5MTNW4 music: nightdrive by mood-maze - License code: OGGKCMVJLUMOBW5P Or,